Terms and Conditions
All personal and/or company information that you provide will only be used for the purposes of contact through/by Heartdance Promotions & Universal Voices of Peace. We will never sell or share your information to any third party.
When submitting your URL you are agreeing that you have the authority to provide the information about the web site and use the image you are submitting.
In submitting your URL for posting on Pixel's for Peace, you are agreeing that your site is not illegal, pornographic, does not promote online gaming or is offensive in nature (containing inappropriate or adult content)...We're promoting Peace here people! After payment is completed there will be no refunds given for adult/inappropriate submissions. We will make the final decision as to whether your link is appropriate or not.
If at any time you begin to promote offensive material through your linked web site, we will delete your image until a new link is given and no refund will be provided. All links and images are final - be absolutely positive about the image and URL you are using!
Your purchase at Pixel's for Peace is a one time payment. Your ad will remain active until January 2008.
In posting your ad at Pixel's for Peace/Universal Voices of Peace, you do not own any part of our web site or organization. Your ad space cannot be re-sold or 'rented' to any other person or party. Your payment and submission allow you to have your ad published on our site and the pixel space for which you have paid for.
If at any point you want your image and link removed from Pixel's for Peace you may do so. No refund will be provided and this space will become once again become available for purchase.
Any site down time will not be due to us. If our site is down (generally a late Sunday evening) this is due to our server updating their systems. These system updates are out of our control and our server will complete them as soon as possible. Updates do not happen that frequently that it should impede traffic to our site and to your ad.

Pixels for Peace
Terms & Conditions
You must fill out the following form and agree to the Pixel's for Peace Terms and Conditions to complete your purchase of ad space.
Thank You for your support of World Peace! Once your order is completed, you will receive an email confirmation from us letting you know where to send your image (GIF or JPEG ONLY) and link.
Name: *
Company Name: *
Address: *
Phone Number: *
E-Mail Address: *
URL: *
How did you hear about us?
* asterisk indicates a required field