Billboards for Peace

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Our Billboards for Peace project is a long standing dream that was rekindled in late November of 2004 by the Oprah Winfrey Show.  It first began in 2000 when Mark Jennings Reese had an idea to inspire those who visited his web site.  He wanted to remind humanity that each of us has the right and the ability to be at Peace, with ourselves and each other.  And thus began the Peace Movement of:


He recalls when he was a child that there used to be a television commerical with Smokey the Bear that said "Only you can prevent forest fires."  Obviously the message was intended to inspire personal responsibility.

This simple message quickly grew into a vision, a dream to inspire humanity on a much larger scale.  It was discussed at gatherings of family and friends.  What does this simple statement realy mean?  The idea took flight and the possibilities reached out far beyond the internet.

Mark knew that there were many people in the world focused on World Peace.  He knew that there were many in the world holding regular prayer gatherings and global meditations. 

What about the people who were not focused on Peace?

As a small collective gathered its skills, its resources and excitement,
the dream of seeing, of feeling billboards posted on every major highway in our country that say: WORLD PEACE & HARMONY BEGINS WITH ONE PERSON...YOU! began to take shape and form.

Many late evenings were spent discussing the potential of billboards all across our nation - and then our world, televeision commercials and radio commercials all promoting this simple message.  We asked ourselves, "How do we as this small collective have the ability to touch, inspire, motivate the world that we live in?" 

We wanted to touch those people in the world who struggle to believe that Peace is possible.  If we can inspire humanity with hope, that hope can grow into desire.  Desire can then nourish excitement and the active presence of personal responsibility.  From personal responsibility we experience confidence and trust (for ourselves and one another) which opens the door to expressing the Dreams of the Heart...

This simple statement is intended to stir personal reflection and the exponential effect that each of us has to effect the world we live in.  Blame, Judgment, Fault have been proven ineffective time and time again as a means, as a vehicle to truly create positive change. 

Peace requires communication, acceptance, understanding and compassion - first and foremost of your own thoughts and feelings.  Humanity is in need of more people to come forward and speak of solutions, to speak of Harmony, to speak of Love, Healing and Compassion.  We need voices that are willing to speak of working together, to speak of Equality and to promote Unity.

Simply, we believe in the possibilities of humanity...

During the 2004 season of the Oprah Winfrey Show a particular series called 'Oprah's Wildest Dreams' which rekindled the Dream of Peace... It was an opportunity to engage a woman with the resources, the team and the skills to pull off a dream this fantastic.

One year has gone by since that first submission to Oprah and her team.  We have not yet had a response from them, although we continue to energize the possibilities.  That moment was an intersection where the Dreams of the Heart were reawakened with new passion, new purpose and newfound enthusiasm for the potential of humanity.

We are focused in present time on getting this message to the masses in any way we can - emails, conversation, eNewsletters, press releases and even mini-billboards!

as we walk into a Peace
filled world together!
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